Вакансія IOS developer

Компанія: GLASS Software Solutions
Місто: Украина, Полтава
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Полтавская область, Полтава
Розміщена: 16 серп. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії

Glass Software Solutions is a fast growing, quality-driven IT services company providing cutting edge solutions. We believe we have found the ideal blend of global talent, innovative technologies, and highly-standardized processes to fully leverage our core values - reliability, scalability and affordability. Our office is located in the downtown of Poltava.

We're looking for talented and creative software engineers to join our growing team


  • mathematics or Engineering Degree (or related field)
  • 1+ years of iOS development experience of building iOS (iPhone, iPad and universal) applications with the iOS SDK
  • experience building complex iOS apps that successfully shipped to customers.
  • knowledge of iOS design patterns and experience building sleek, high performance user interfaces
  • willingness to work in an Agile environment
  • experience with Swift


  • a team of experienced professionals, ready to share their knowledge and skills;
  • strong US presence and direct communication with US team;
  • well set SDLC process with use of Agile, Scrum, depending on a project;
  • competitive salary according to your skills and expectations;
  • convenient office location and cosy workspace;
  • creative corporate events;
  • corporate English trainings/IT business trainings;
  • decent compensation package;
  • flexible bonus payment system enabling to invest in the life quality of our company members.

In CV you must include contact details, examples of projects, indicating the role in the project.

The position is open due to the intensive pipeline of new potential projects! We are constantly growing and inviting you to join our team.

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